Getting Healthy Feet

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Podiatry is a specialist aspect of medical health which is devoted to the diagnosis, care, treatment, and prevention of injuries and health conditions related to the ankle, foot and lower limb areas of the body. The healthcare professionals qualified and licensed to see patients in need of medical assistance on conditions related to their foot and lower limbs are called podiatrists or chiropodists.

Podiatrists near Thornbury play an important role in treating both skin and nail conditions that limit mobility or cause discomfort to individuals. Health problems related to the foot and lower limbs are often more pronounced in disabled individuals or the elderly population.

The treatment of foot related diseases are often done under anaesthetics with the use of some particular instruments which aids a painless and successful treatment of these disorders.

The health problems treated by Local Reservoir podiatrists include issues ensuing from joint and bone disorders which include arthritis and muscular or soft-tissue injuries including circulatory and neurological diseases.

Podiatrists are in addition capable of diagnosing and handling any complications that may arise from certain disorders or diseases thereby affecting the lower limb, such as nail and skin disorders, calluses, corns, warts, ingrown toenails, neuromas, hammertoes, bunions as well as fractures. A variety of common and complex foot and limb injuries and diseases picked up due to ageing, accidents, during sporting activities as well as a lot of other situations can be diagnosed and cared for by podiatrists.

The Podiatrists in Reservoir can provide you with advice, treatment, and orthotics padding to help reduce your discomfort and also take care of your condition. They tell you what to do depending on the foot conditions you are suffering from, what shoes to wear, what exercises to take or whether you will need to undergo surgery.

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A very challenging aspect of podiatry is taking care of patients who suffer from diabetes. They aim to assist such patients on how to manage or prevent foot related diseases and injuries. It is therefore imperative that a podiatrist be contacted if a diabetic patient experiences any foot related complications especially foot ulcers which demands immediate treatment in order to prevent infection.

Loss of sensation to the soles of the feet and toes are often quite popular in foot diseases and requires the attention of a certified podiatrist near Thomastown.

Podiatry provides care for pre or post surgical conditions of foot related conditions especially knowing when your foot can be able to bear your weight after surgery. Surgical correction of foot disorders including bunions, flatfoot, tumour, ankle and nail are diagnosed by podiatrists, chiropractors near Bundoora or osteopaths in Reservoir. They provide you with the necessary information on surgery and post-surgery symptoms and conditions – sometimes even pilates classes near Preston on Plenty Road may help!

It is highly important that we do not neglect the need for healthy feet. The health condition of our feet can impact our general wellbeing and routine. On average we spend half the day on our feet and the toll of walking, running, jumping and the occasional sprains and tears are bound to catch up with us sometimes and ignoring any discomfort could worsen our conditions or lead to more complicated illnesses.

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